Make your payments with ease and security.
Payments can be made after the visit either by cash or card via POS. At the same time, we offer the possibility of direct payment through our website. Choose the option that serves you best and enjoy our services with ease and security.
You can pay by cash or card via POS during the visit.
Yes, you can pay directly through our website with the following steps:
Step 1: Go to the payment page of our website and select the service you received.
Step 2: Enter the amount corresponding to the service provided to you.
Step 3: Select your preferred payment method (card, PayPal, etc.).
Step 4: Fill in the necessary payment details and confirm your payment.
Yes, our online payments are completely secure. We use the most advanced security protocols to protect your personal and financial information.
If you need to cancel your payment, please contact us immediately at +30 6931564363. We will help you to settle your request as soon as possible.